authors are vetted experts in their fields 和 write on topics in which they have demonstrated experience. All of our content is peer reviewed 和 validated by Toptal experts in the same field.
伊丽莎白一个. 安德森
验证专家 在项目管理方面
12 的经验

Elizabeth is a Certified Scrum Master 和 Certified 产品 Owner with more than a decade of experience in 敏捷 project management. 她构建并支持过各种软件产品, 包括一个复杂的物联网游艇安全监控系统和硬件, 移动, 网络应用程序, 以及工业金属公司奥尼尔钢铁的移动电子商务平台.


我没打算成为一名 产品负责人. 几年前, the company I worked for as a project manager went through a round of layoffs 和 began assigning 产品负责人 responsibilities to 项目经理. 这并不理想,但在与同事交谈之后, 我意识到这种角色混合是非常普遍的. 因为 长期人员短缺, 产品负责人 tasks get assigned to anyone capable of performing them; budget constraints may cause a company to hire one person to perform the roles of both a project manager 和 产品负责人; or hiring managers may simply be more interested in acquiring talent than assigning accurate job titles.

幸运的是, 产品所有者的职责,比如为客户着想, 编写用户故事, 创建文档, 和 确定待办事项的优先级——并没有超出大多数项目经理的能力范围. 而项目经理的主要目标是 产品负责人 可能是不同的,实现它们所需的技能在很多方面是重叠的.

作为项目经理, you may find yourself being asked to do the duties of a 产品负责人 at some point soon. 你甚至可能渴望正式进入全职工作 产品负责人角色,就像我一样。. 本指南将帮助您在跨角色分配中脱颖而出,并为您带来更广泛的工作经验 了解项目和产品 到你现在的工作.

产品负责人vs. 项目经理:理解不同的角色

项目经理 职责范围很广. They assemble development teams, guide 和 coach team members, 和 resolve impediments. 虽然这是一个多方面的角色, 当项目经理设定最后期限时, 监测进展, 和 估计成本, 他们是公司的代言人, 确保项目按期完成,不超出预算.

产品负责人, 另一方面, are an advocate for the customer—they ensure the developers know what the customer wants, 即使顾客 不知道 然而,. 更具体地说, 产品负责人职责 包括开发和沟通产品的目标, 确定产品待办事项的优先级, 与公司的利益相关者进行沟通, 预测客户需求.

一个名为项目/产品重叠的双圆维恩图. One circle is labeled “Project Manager” with the subtitle “Advocates for the business—to work within finite time 和 resources.” The other is labeled “产品 Owner” with the subtitle “Advocates for the customer—to create maximum product value.重叠的部分是“有效沟通”,”“组织,”“解决冲突,和“授权”.”
尽管项目经理和产品负责人的主要目标是不同的, 这些工作需要重叠的技能.

It’s healthy to have a bit of friction between the goals of the project manager 和 the 产品负责人; having a separate advocate for each priority helps maintain a balance between the competing interests. For instance, a project manager may want to cut a product’s scope to protect the timeline. 但缩小的范围可能与 为客户创造价值.

There’s a natural conflict of interest when a project manager—focused on adhering to the constraints of schedule 和 budget—h和les both roles. 如果你被要求这么做的话, be careful that one important interest (customer satisfaction) doesn’t get ignored in favor of others (time 和 money).


Even when project manager 和 产品负责人 are two distinct jobs 和 everyone is in their proper workstream, 我发现 技能 我在一个角色中发展起来的能力在我承担另一个角色时帮助很大. 项目管理和产品所有权都需要:

  • 有效的沟通. This is a cornerstone of project management 和 产品负责人hip because both roles require extensive interaction with other people, 包括项目团队和外部干系人.
  • 组织. 项目经理 和 产品负责人 should both be able to manage competing priorities 和 需求, 无论是在项目内部还是与产品相关.
  • 解决冲突. 解决团队内部冲突是双方的责任, 以及团队和涉众之间的冲突. 项目经理必须解决资源约束下的冲突, while 产品负责人 must be able to resolve conflicts related to differing opinions on product value.
  • 代表团. Both roles should be adept at balancing the tasks 和 responsibilities of their teams to get things done with greater efficiency.

培养有效的跨角色人才可以给企业带来巨大的好处 项目管理顾问 在几个位置之间来回移动, 希望从职业生涯完全过渡到产品角色的人, 或者项目经理只是想这么做 提升他们的表现.

如果你发现自己在目前的职位上被要求担任产品负责人, 您可以通过以下方式开始执行该角色的基本职责:

  • 发展和沟通 产品目标.
  • 优先考虑的 产品待办事项列表 对于开发团队.
  • 创建用户描述(或确保将创建委托给其他人).
  • 收集和澄清 需求.
  • 编写文档.
  • 与开发和用户体验团队合作,确保需求清晰.

在一起, these competencies help teams underst和 customer needs 和 deliver products with maximum value.


下表详述的技能是产品负责人必须培养的. They can also help you do a better job as a project manager by setting more realistic goals 和 task estimates, 在项目早期优先考虑最高价值的特性, 并在风险因素成为问题之前识别它们. The degree to which someone masters these 技能 is what separates a good 产品负责人 from a great one.

促进- Relays customer needs to the development team, 和 represents the development team to the customer.- Facilitates conversations 和 guides the decision-making process to ensure there are successful outcomes for everyone involved.
讲故事将用户故事转化为开发团队的待办事项.- Underst和s the entire context of solutions that they’re working toward holistically 和 communicates that story to the team.

-明确产品决策背后的“原因”, so the team can underst和 what to do 和 how to create the best version of any given feature.

- Evaluates each request 和 presents the customer with opportunities to solve the problem in unique ways.
知道什么时候说不—为产品添加特性.- Screens out features that don’t align with the product’s vision or might have negative consequences, 比如延长开发努力.

-拒绝不道德或非法的功能, 并提供可行的替代方案,而不会令人沮丧或粗鲁.


作为项目管理专业人员, it behooves you to underst和 the purpose 和 unique 技能 of a 产品负责人 so you can do your current job more effectively or prepare to transition into a new one. 在职培训通常是最好的, 但是为了在你的技能之旅上有一个快速的开始, 参加产品负责人课程 智囊团咨询集团, , or——或者考虑考取证书. 认证不仅可以帮助您理解产品负责人的角色, they also serve as proof that you are able to perform it in the case of a promotion or new job opportunity. Two particular 产品负责人 certifications are preferred by hiring managers, appearing 最频繁 在与scrum相关的招聘信息中:

CSPO和PSPO I认证标志. CSPO的标识是“出现在2”,630个职位发布”,PSPO I的标志被标记为“出现在520个职位发布中”.有一条消息来源说:“招聘截止到2022年5月,根据Coursera。.
The online training service Coursera regularly tracks the Scrum certifications most sought by employers. 以上数字反映的是截至2022年5月的总数.

不管你将来是否拥有产品所有权, you’re likely to be asked to perform the duties of one at some point in your project management career. 丁字形的技能 需要工作能力是有原因的 的跨专业 能帮助你在职场和职业生涯中取得成功吗, 无论你是全职员工还是独立合同工.


  • 产品负责人的角色是什么?

    产品负责人负责开发和沟通产品目标, 确定待办事项的优先级, 创建用户场景, 收集需求, 写文档, serving as the customer’s advocate on the team 和 delivering a product with maximum value.

  • 谁通常是产品负责人?

    在理想的情况下, 产品负责人将被专门聘请为一个角色, 而不是把职责分配给另一个头衔的员工. 产品负责人通常出现在敏捷框架中, 在Scrum团队中与Scrum主管和开发团队一起工作.

  • 需要产品负责人吗?

    是的. Scrum 和 敏捷 adoption rates have continued to rise in recent years—more than 90% of respondents to the 15th State of 敏捷 Report say their company practices 敏捷—和 the World Economic Forum identified 产品负责人 as the No. 1个产品开发方面的新兴职位.

伊丽莎白一个. 安德森

伊丽莎白一个. 安德森

验证专家 在项目管理方面
12 的经验




Elizabeth is a Certified Scrum Master 和 Certified 产品 Owner with more than a decade of experience in 敏捷 project management. 她构建并支持过各种软件产品, 包括一个复杂的物联网游艇安全监控系统和硬件, 移动, 网络应用程序, 以及工业金属公司奥尼尔钢铁的移动电子商务平台.

authors are vetted experts in their fields 和 write on topics in which they have demonstrated experience. All of our content is peer reviewed 和 validated by Toptal experts in the same field.


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