阿尔贝托·巴札纳, 金融专家 in 纽约,美国
阿尔贝托。 is 可用 租用
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验证专家  in 金融



阿尔贝托。 has been instrumental in the underwriting, 管理, and sale of energy and infrastructure 资产 totaling more than $5 billion. 在进入银行业之前, he led teams in consulting engagements across nine countries and several sectors. He has an executive MBA from Wharton and worked as part of General Electric's foremost 管理 development programs. 阿尔贝托。 enjoys freelancing as it enables him to work with a diverse clientele.




The Wharton School of University of Pennsylvania
Guido Carli大学
Guido Carli大学


GARP: Global Association of 风险 Professionals




  • Led deal teams to structure and support various acquisitions in the energy sector.
  • Trained a team of analysts to support origination and underwriting activities.
  • Built an extremely loyal customer base, creating a solid base of recurring business.
Focus areas: 市场评估, 银行 & 金融, 股票研究, 合并 & 收购(M&A), 金融建模, Three-statement建模, 模型, 贷款估值, 能量储存, 微软文字处理软件, 微软演示文稿, Microsoft Excel, 项目融资, 预算, 金融类股, 建模, 运营模式, 成本建模, 球场上甲板, 操作, 战略规划 & 执行, 信用评级, 投资理念, 决策建模, 投资案例, 投资, 投资基金, 股权投资, 建模的情况下, 美国, 信贷/债务, 信用风险, 股票估值, 股权融资, 投资理论, 信贷投资, 金融专业, 承销, 策略, 评价, 市场研究 & 分析, 影响投资, Integrated Financial Statements, 风险, 预测, 可再生能源, 市场研究, 市场规模, 战略规划


2018 - 2019
  • Underwrote, managed, and restructured US oil and gas 资产.
  • Presented monthly and quarterly status updates on each asset and proposed key investment decisions to internal and external stakeholders.
  • Built and managed several financial models for internal income and cash projections and investment decisions, 比如扩大规模, 裁员, 和资产剥离.
关注领域:合并 & 收购(M&A), 投资, 信贷承销, 股票研究, 金融建模, Three-statement建模, 模型, 贷款估值, 微软文字处理软件, 微软演示文稿, Microsoft Excel, 项目融资, 预算, 金融类股, 建模, 运营模式, 成本建模, 球场上甲板, 操作, 战略规划 & 执行, 信用评级, 投资理念, 决策建模, 投资案例, 投资基金, 股权投资, 建模的情况下, 美国, 信贷/债务, 信用风险, 股票估值, 股权融资, 投资理论, 信贷投资, 金融专业, Capital IQ, 承销, 策略, 评价, 市场评估, 市场研究 & 分析, 影响投资, Integrated Financial Statements, 风险, 预测, 可再生能源, 市场研究, 市场规模, 战略规划


2014 - 2018
  • Underwrote, managed, restructured, and sold more than $1 billion of 资产 located in the U.S., 墨西哥, 欧洲(法国, 意大利, 爱尔兰), 亚洲(土耳其), 约旦, 日本)——专注于太阳能, 风, and power sectors of the energy industry.
  • Co-led a successful sale of a more than $400 million international portfolio of infrastructure 资产—leading the valuation, 构建, 关闭, 利益相关者管理.
  • Managed the re构建—refinancing, 管理重组, change in strategy—of 资产 in Southern 欧洲 and supported a successful re构建 of U.S. 资产.
  • Presented monthly and quarterly status updates on each asset and proposed key investment decisions to internal and external stakeholders.
  • Oversaw the day-to-day activities of several 资产 worth $1.3 billion in Japan, 欧洲, and the Middle East.
  • Built and managed several financial models for internal income and cash projections and investment decisions, 比如扩大规模, 裁员, 和资产剥离.
  • Led a specially created task force that successfully launched a $300 million solar distributed generation fund.
重点领域:策略, 项目融资, 投资理论, 私人股本, 承销, 股票研究, 金融建模, Three-statement建模, 模型, 贷款估值, 能量储存, 微软文字处理软件, 微软演示文稿, Microsoft Excel, 预算, 金融类股, 建模, 运营模式, 成本建模, 球场上甲板, 操作, 战略规划 & 执行, 定价模型, 股本, 信用评级, 投资理念, 决策建模, 投资案例, 投资, 投资基金, 股权投资, 建模的情况下, 美国, 意大利, 信贷/债务, 信用风险, 股票估值, 股权融资, 金融专业, 设备融资, 欧洲, Capital IQ, 评价, 市场评估, 市场研究 & 分析, 股票, 影响投资, Integrated Financial Statements, 风险, 预测, 美国公认会计准则, 筹款, 可再生能源, 市场研究, 市场规模, 战略规划


2009 - 2014
  • Led a team to support the financial, IT, and operational integration of a more than $3 billion acquisition with sites across tax jurisdictions in the U.S.,美国.K., Ireland, the Netherlands, India, Brazil, and Switzerland.
  • Co-led the set up of a multi-million dollar service shop in the Middle East in the form of a joint venture with the local government.
  • Performed a bottom-up and top-down global market size analysis for an energy service business to redefine its go-to-market strategy and regional focus areas.
  • Built the valuation model for a company in the silicone industry to assess whether structural market changes would result in a potential impairment.
  • Completed a financial 管理 program and corporate audit staff, two of GE premier leadership programs for personal and professional growth worldwide recognized for developing leaders through extensive training and practical leadership roles.
Focus areas: 评价, 风险, 估值, 财务规划 & 分析(FP&A), Integrated Financial Statements, 合并 & 收购(M&A), 金融建模, Three-statement建模, 模型, 微软文字处理软件, 微软演示文稿, Microsoft Excel, 预算, 金融类股, 建模, 投资咨询, 运营模式, 成本建模, 球场上甲板, 操作, 战略规划 & 执行, 商业咨询, 定价模型, 股本, 信用评级, 决策建模, 投资案例, 投资, 股权投资, 建模的情况下, 意大利, 企业融资, 咨询, 会计, 信贷/债务, 信用风险, 欧洲, 联合王国, 法国, 匈牙利, 卡塔尔, 策略, 市场评估, 市场研究 & 分析, 股票, 预测, 美国公认会计准则, 筹款, 市场研究, 市场规模, 战略规划
2015 - 2016

行政工商管理硕士 in 金融 and 策略

The Wharton School of University of Pennsylvania - Philadelphia, PA, USA

2007 - 2008

硕士学位 in Econometrics and Economics

Guido Carli大学 - Rome, 意大利

2005 - 2007


Guido Carli大学 - Rome, 意大利



GARP: Global Association of 风险 Professionals


估值, 项目融资, 财务规划 & 分析(FP&A), 私人股本, 区块链, 预算, Cash Flow 预测, 市场研究, M&A建模、合并 & 收购(M&A), Integrated Financial Statements, 风险, 信贷承销, 金融建模, Three-statement建模, 预测, 会计, 企业融资, 信贷/债务, 信用风险, 股票估值, 股权融资, 股票研究, 投资理论, 信贷投资, 金融专业, 设备融资, 筹款


微软文字处理软件, 微软演示文稿, Microsoft Excel


金融服务, 可再生能源, 能源, 房地产, 金融市场, 可替代能源, 银行 & 金融

Data & 分析软件

Capital IQ


美国, 欧洲, Japan, 联合王国, 法国, 匈牙利, 卡塔尔, 意大利


贷款估值, 能量储存, 模型, 私募股权顾问, 战略规划, 市场规模, 承销, 策略, 评价, 市场评估, 市场研究 & 分析, 操作, 金融类股, 建模, 股票, 影响投资, 定价模型, 股本, 战略规划 & 执行, 商业咨询, 投资咨询, 运营模式, 信用评级, 咨询, 投资理念, 欧博体育app下载, 决策建模, 成本建模, 投资案例, 投资基金, 投资, 股权投资, 球场上甲板, 建模的情况下, 美国公认会计准则



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