
Showing 1-7 of 148 results


Building a Mental Health App for Families: A 用户界面设计 Case Study

The global mental health app market is booming, and research suggests that using thoughtful UI design can give newcomers to the space a competitive edge. 这是如何.



Fellype is a digital product designer who specializes in crafting exceptional user interfaces. He has worked with a wide range of businesses, including a pediatric mental health app developer, 风险投资工作室, an AI image recognition company, 和LabHacker, a research initiative led by the Brazilian Chamber of Deputies.

设计 High-converting Websites With These Webflow Best Practices

Webflow can cut website design time in half—enabling designers to devote more attention to driving traffic and boosting conversions.

Pavle Lucic

Pavle Lucic

Pavle is a designer specializing in UI/UX design for websites and mobile apps. His clients include large international companies such as Societe Generale and TomTom, as well as successful startups in fintech, 医疗保健, 旅行, 以及其他行业.

How to Avoid 5 Types of Cognitive Bias in User 研究

Cognitive biases can skew user research, leading to design changes that don’t address your customers’ real needs. Build digital products that users will love by mitigating these common biases.



Rima is a product designer with expertise in UI/UX design, 平面设计, 数字营销, 以及用户研究. She has worked across various industries to create user-focused and aesthetically pleasing digital products, and spent six years at the global software development company Volo.

How Thinking Like a 设计er Can Help Solve Complex Business Problems

不清楚的预期, stakeholder disagreements, and conflicting interests can lead to inferior products and unhappy customers. Apply design thinking concepts to your next project to boost alignment and success.

Fanni Csincsak

Fanni Csincsak

Fanni is a lead product designer who works with finance, e-commerce, and software companies. With a master’s degree in cognitive neuroscience and a PhD in human-computer interaction, Fanni understands how design thinking can help solve problems within a range of industries. She has collaborated with clients such as Canua and AltaML.

Voice of the Customer: How to Leverage User Insights for Better UX

收集, 分析, and prioritize the voice of the customer to unlock product design solutions that improve client satisfaction and boost revenue.

Atishay Goyal

Atishay Goyal

Atishay is a product designer and UX expert who has worked in close collaboration with McKinsey & Company and Boston Consulting Group on B2B and B2C products for a wide range of industries. He is the head of product design at Agility Group and was recognized as one of India’s top designers of 2023 by Siliconindia.

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Beyond Text: 设计ing the Future of AI Prompting

Generative AI is a potent tool, but text prompting can make it hard for users to get the results they want. Four design experts share ideas for making AI prompting more intuitive and accessible to a wider range of users.



Micah is a digital designer who has worked with clients such as 谷歌, Deloitte, and Autodesk. He is also the Lead Editor of Toptal’s 设计 博客. His design expertise has been featured in 快速公司, TNW, and other notable publications.

Pragmatic Pixel Perfection: A Manifesto for Balancing 设计 Quality and Speed

产品 teams face a dilemma: Achieving pixel-perfect design requires significant time and resources, but rushing to launch can result in mediocre products. This UI guide explains how to design excellent products while balancing quality and speed.



Damir is a digital designer who has created payments systems at Booking.com, open-data portals for Australian state governments, and the search experience at Envato Market. He has also facilitated design sprint workshops at Harvard University, been a lead UX instructor at General Assembly, and led AR/VR design at Archimedes Digital.

Toptal 设计 专家

Paula Barcante

Paula is an award-winning UX/UI designer, 顾问, and illustrator with more than six years of hands-on experience in making complex interfaces delightful and user friendly. She has made a significant impact in large corporations, 比如亚马逊, Zillow, 谷歌, 还有创业公司. Her mission is to create efficient, 美丽的, 创新, and high-quality experiences for the greater good of society.



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