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Lance Shields

Verified Expert  in Design


San Francisco, CA, United States
Toptal Member Since
January 31, 2019

Lance是一位屡获殊荣的设计总监、产品设计师和UX策略师,拥有MBA学位. 他拥有20多年的UX/UI设计实践经验,并在三家全球机构领导设计和战略, two Fortune 500s, and his own design agency. 他帮助塑造了Adobe、红牛、Visa、Zipcar和ADP的产品和品牌. 他的作品赢得了多个奖项,包括威比奖、W3奖和戴维奖. He loves solving complex design problems.


Work Experience

Head of Design and Co-Founder

2011 - 2018
Ideas in Digital
  • 与人共同创立并运营了总部位于旧金山的屡获殊荣的数字设计机构Ideas in digital.
  • Headed up design and strategy; hands-on UX and UI design work, led a team of designers and art directors, and responsible for the brand experiences, digital platforms, 客户的全球消费者和B2B项目的活动.
  • 在包括金融在内的多个行业的全球范围内制定以客户为中心和以市场为中心的战略, technology, food/beverage, CPG, travel, insurance, and nonprofit.
  • 专注于创意方向,设计和协作,使命驱动的团队文化.
  • 领导5个品牌营销网站的设计和策略, 3 mobile apps, 3 eCommerce sites, 3 major food sites, and 4 marketing videos.
  • Won 10 design awards including 2 Webby Awards, 4 W3 Awards, 2 Davey Awards, and 2 Communicator Awards.
Technologies: Smartsheet, Adobe After Effects, Figma, Axure, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Experience Design (XD), InVision, Sketch

Digital Marketing Group Director

2009 - 2010
  • 有效地为日本东京的MRM和麦肯世界集团提供远景和战略领导.
  • 为主要糖果品牌领导日本增长最快的Facebook社区的社交战略和规划.
  • 促进对话和常青应用程序,以举办一系列品牌UGC竞赛在PC上, smartphone, and mobile.
  • 在MRM率先推出亚太区首个社交媒体平台服务,提供包括社交策略在内的整体解决方案, planning, cross-media integration, community management implementation, client training, KPI development, and reporting.
  • 倡导跨集团(McCann Worldgroup)数字整合计划,帮助大型广告组织创新,为各种行业提供更高的数字能力.
  • 招募并指导公司的战略家、设计师和客户人员.
Technologies: Microsoft Office

Head of Innovation Strategy and Design

2007 - 2009
  • Drove digital initiative strategies and vision, with full ownership of creative and brand strategy, business plans, budgets, and realization of KPIs.
  • 设计数字资产以提高品牌认知度、市场份额和收入.
  • Oversaw market research, competitive analysis, user profiling, ethnographic studies, and project planning.
  • 为推动数字化转型提供战略领导和愿景.
  • 为企业级移动应用程序提供策略和创意方向,以推动新业务.
  • 领导并推广了该地区的第一个社会营销项目.
  • 为一个新的忠诚计划提供创意策略和客户体验.
技术:Microsoft Office, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop

Creative Director

2002 - 2006
  • 有效地支持数字和印刷媒体的动手创作方向, brand building and interactive marketing.
  • 带领由8名艺术总监和设计师组成的团队,成立了一家当时在日本不同于其他公司的一流数字品牌机构.
  • 在日本是国际设计的领导者,支持日本公司在海外的发展. Ran the design studio in Japanese.
  • Successfully launched global websites for Adidas, ANA, Hitachi, Chanel, DoCoMo, Yokogawa Electric and Panasonic.
  • 领导并指导了多个针对日本当地机构的新业务推介,使该机构的创意人员从6人增加到35人.
  • 日立的全球推广赢得了备受尊敬的优秀设计奖.日本市场营销协会最佳B2B品牌奖.
技术:Adobe After Effects, Adobe InDesign, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop

Senior Art Director

1998 - 2001
  • Contributed as a vital part of a dynamic, 90年代末和21世纪初互联网热潮时期的协作创意数字团队.
  • 向最优秀的人学习,同时承担大预算,高知名度的客户工作,以提高我的技能.
  • 有效地为Visa推出网站和互动活动.、探索频道、i2 Technologies和Answer Financial.
  • 领导一个由3名设计师组成的小团队,同时进行动手设计.
  • 在代理业务开发中发挥了关键作用,为丰田公司提供了有说服力的游说工作并赢得了项目, Williams-Sonoma, and Openwave.
技术:Flash, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop
2008 - 2010

Master's Degree in Business Administration

McGill University - Tokyo, Japan

1988 - 1992

Bachelors of Fine Arts Degree in Fine Arts



Sketch, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Experience Design (XD), Axure RP Pro, Illustrator 2018, InDesign CC, InVision App, InVision, After Effects CC, Adobe Premiere Pro, Adobe Illustrator, Flash, Adobe InDesign, Adobe After Effects, Microsoft Office, Figma, Photoshop Design


WordPress, Axure


Creative Direction, UX Design, UI Design, Branding, Product Design, UX Strategy, Digital Marketing, Design Direction, Web Design, Mobile UX, Mobile App UI, User Testing, Design Research, Design Sprints, Wireframing, Identity Design, User Flows, Analytics, Japan, Global Strategy, Logo Design, Design Workshops, Usability, User Interviews, Writing & Editing, Graphics, Prototyping, Mobile App Design, PowerPoint Design, Growth, User Journey Maps, Usability Testing, Voice UI Design, Collaborative Design, Smartsheet, Tablet UX, Art Direction, Information Architecture (IA), Strategy, Content Management Systems (CMS), Game Design

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