Asad Jibran Ahmed,阿拉伯联合酋长国迪拜开发商
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Asad Jibran Ahmed

Verified Expert  in Engineering

Software Developer

Dubai, United Arab Emirates
Toptal Member Since
February 14, 2018

在过去的职位上,多名经理将Jibran描述为一名注重产品的工程师. Over a 10+ year career, he cultivated a skill for identifying and solving customer problems using software development. 在各种规模的公司工作过, from a 4-person startup to an 8,000人强跨国(条纹), he also has a unique perspective of seeing what does and does not work at different scales. Jibran利用这些经验来建立团队和系统,以适应业务的发展.


Ruby, Java, React, api, REST api,后端,微服务
JavaScript, Python, Django, api, REST api,后端,微服务,Pytest...
Agile Leaf
Flutter, Facebook Ads, HTML5, Django




Preferred Environment

WebStorm, PyCharm, MacOS

The most amazing...

...project I've worked on is a Windows desktop app calculating the chances of winning a game of Texas Hold'em, given starting conditions.

Work Experience

Software Engineer

2021 - 2022
  • Acted as the directly responsible individual (DRI) for the project that launched Stripe's core offering to Croatia, Lichtenstein, and Gibraltar. Also, served as a DRI on a project to bring Stripe's multi-currency payouts functionality to a new region.
  • Initiated and got leadership buy-in for mid-sized projects by writing strategy review documents that included justifying the business needs and revenue projections.
  • Worked as part of multiple cross-functional teams for various projects during my time at Stripe.
技术:Ruby, Java, React, api, REST api,后端,微服务

Head of Technology

2017 - 2021
  • 领导技术团队,制定技术决策.
  • 作为DevOps工程师在AWS和后来的Azure上管理基础设施.
  • 提供主应用程序和相关服务的实际编码.
  • 参与产品讨论和产品开发生命周期.
  • 执行代码审查,以确保可接受的代码质量标准得到维护.
  • Built and managed a pricing engine that translates rules from Excel sheets to Python and presented them as an API.
Technologies: JavaScript, Python, Django, api, REST api,后端,微服务,Pytest, Redis, PostgreSQL

Technical Co-founder

2016 - 2021
Agile Leaf
  • Created and managed several landing pages and AdWords campaigns for a real estate agency based in the UAE.
  • Helped the team finalizing and shipping to the client an Android application that showcases their product line and helps their customers to select the most appropriate product for their use.
  • Led the overall technology strategy of the company and also mentored the team while trying to solve technical problems.
  • 为一家印刷机创建了一个基于Ionic/ cordova的移动应用程序. The app allows the sales agents to quickly generate quotes for printing jobs in the field.
  • Developed a Django-based property showcase site for a real estate agency in the UAE with integration to a leading property CRM system.
  • 管理客户项目的服务器基础设施. This includes services deployed in a multi-cloud environment and providers like Google Cloud, AWS, DigitalOcean, and WebFaction.
  • Ensured that the technology part of the business was handled according to our company's mindset.
  • Worked as a product development team member to make sure the team was providing products with the most impact on the business.
  • Assured that product requirements were translated to technical specs that led to fast product development.
技术:Flutter, Facebook Ads, HTML5, Django

Software Engineer

2018 - 2020
Toptal Client [NDA]
  • 构建一个基于go的网络蜘蛛来支持组织的广告技术安全平台.
  • 改进了现有的基于python的扫描器,以获得更好的性能.
  • Added Elasticsearch to parts of the platform that were extremely slow to display data from an SQL database.
  • Improved the infrastructure deployed on AWS to follow industry best practices and to provide load balancing and high availability.
  • Improved the structure and indexing of database tables to reduce query times for popular reporting view from minutes to seconds.
技术:Elasticsearch, Django, Python, Go, api, REST api,后端

Portals Technical Team Lead

2014 - 2017
JRD Group
  • Worked on the existing PHP codebase for one of the largest property-focused classified portals in the Middle East.
  • Led the project of rewriting the existing PHP codebase to Django/Python as the senior back-end developer.
  • Handled the effort to internationalize and launch the new portal in more than five countries in the Middle East.
  • 一步步成为传送门团队的组长, 注重技术团队的顺畅运作.
  • Managed the DevOps activities to ensure the smooth functioning of the infrastructure that the JustProperty portal uses.
技术:亚马逊网络服务(AWS), PHP, Digital, Virtual Private Servers, DevOps, JavaScript, HTML5, Python, Django, APIs, REST APIs, Back-end, Redis, PostgreSQL

Junior Web Developer

2013 - 2014
  • Developed the Django back and front ends of the new place-an-ad (PAA) form for the largest classifieds site in the Middle East.
  • Refactored the existing code to improve the performance and clarity of the jobs vertical in the Dubizzle classifieds portal.
  • 协助乔布斯垂直市场的货币化项目.
  • 改进了与垂直职位相关的搜索功能.
  • 为作业垂直的客户管理面板创建后端.
技术:Bootstrap, HTML5, Python, Django,后端,Redis


2010 - 2011
  • 建立一个本地网页,供教师使用,以同步翻译文本和视频.
  • 使用JavaScript构建的系统创建网页.
  • Contributed to help students learn foreign languages by providing a fully local-based solution.
Technologies: JavaScript, Back-end


2010 - 2011
Advantica Lab System Software
  • 改进了一个与光学处方管理相关的web应用程序.
  • 为这个基于django的应用添加了额外的功能.
  • 提供包含大量数学计算的精确输出.
技术:JavaScript, Django, Python,后端


2010 - 2011
  • Built a scraper to search and extract rankings from a popular restaurant ranking site using Python with BeautifulSoup.
  • Developed a couple of web pages that showed users some entities on a Google Map and allowed them to search and filter information, 使用Perl代码库确保所有进程.
  • 创建了一个交互式的网页抓取器,可以输入一些内容, 用它在热门排名网站上进行搜索, and extract the output using Perl.
技术:JavaScript, Beautiful Soup, Python, Perl,后端

50mm |一个简单易用的图像库Web应用程序
50mm is a photo gallery web application that I made when I couldn't find anything matching my requirements. 我想要一些没有数据库也能工作的东西, use an S3 backed image storage, 并使用Imgix实时图像处理服务对所显示的图像进行优化.

没有找到任何符合要求的东西,我在Golang创建了50mm. 它使用内置的HTTP服务器和Golang HTML模板. 它与S3集成用于存储,并使用Imgix进行实时图像处理.

除了为我自己的照片库提供动力之外, it is now used by at least two other people that I know of to showcase their own image collections.

Daily Ayah Bot
我想尝试一下Twitter的API,创建一个机器人. I came up with the idea of one that would tweet out random verses from the Quran every day and programmed it in Go.

A Go-based CLI tool to list and quickly connect to DigitalOcean droplets without needing to configure keys and other SSH options on the host system.

This utility allows me to quickly place SSH into the Digital Ocean droplets that I manage without explicitly having to configure them in my SSH config file. It is similar to how Google Cloud CLI allows using SSH in Google Cloud Compute instances.

Vue.js Medium Editor
我想在我的一个使用Vue的项目中使用一个类似medium的编辑器.js framework on the front end. 当时没有找到任何符合要求的东西, 我通过整合现有的媒体编辑器(GitHub)创建了我自己的.com/yabwe/medium-editor) into a Vue.js component.

在项目中使用基于go的Gin web框架时, 我错过了当项目的依赖项发生变化时自动重新加载Django的功能.


Django Project Blueprints

This is a book for beginner Django developers that are looking to take their skills to the next level, 它通过向他们展示如何构建七个中型项目来教授他们高级技能, 包括一个由Elasticsearch提供搜索功能的电子商务网站.

Banky App
A micro-lending app for Colombia. 在Django中使用Django Rest框架为api构建后端. 移动应用程序是在Flutter中构建的.

N.B. Sons
I built a Flutter-based mobile application to showcase the products of a veterinary medicine manufacturer. The back end is a WordPress site. 我是由web开发人员提供api的.
2006 - 2010




REST api, Fabric, Beautiful Soup, Vue, jQuery, React


Terraform, PyCharm, WebStorm, Ansible, Systemd, Pytest


Django, Flutter, Flask, Bootstrap, Vanilla JS


JavaScript, Go, Python, CSS, Clojure, Perl, Bash, PHP, HTML5, Ruby, Java


Elasticsearch, Redis, Cloud Deployment, PostgreSQL, MongoDB, MySQL




MacOS、Linux、Amazon EC2、Docker、Amazon Web Services (AWS)


Software Development, APIs, Back-end, AWS DevOps, Web App Deployment, Teams, Team Management, Virtual Private Servers, Digital, Facebook Ads, Django-oscar

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