劳里哈维, 产品经理 in 港口圣. Lucie, FL, United States
劳里 is 可用 租用
雇佣 劳里


验证专家  in Product 管理

增长 产品经理

港口圣. Lucie, FL, United States
Toptal Member Since

劳丽是一位经验丰富的经理,她能取得前所未有的成绩. Starting from the ground up, 她是一个强有力的领导者,并利用她的能力来激发结果, focusing on prioritizing high-impact efforts. 在她丰富的职业生涯中,她领导过市场营销和产品管理. 劳里为初创公司和企业提供B2B和B2C产品, exceeding customer expectations, solving their most pressing challenges, and fulfilling new market opportunities.

Project Highlights

Led the project for cloud-based analytics solving critical problems for service providers covering 18 million users.
合同 管理
Reduced costs of goods by over 50%.
Cyber 安全 销售支持 Playbook
Designed and published a 66-page Cyber 安全 销售 Playbook for service providers—$1 billion sales funnel.



Senior Director of Product 管理

  • 通过引入三层定价和灵活服务,使平均客户价值(ACV)翻倍.
  • 推出要塞 MDR,提升网络安全品牌, a managed detection and response cybersecurity solution to detect and isolate cyber threats within minutes of detection.
  • Improved investment decision-making by introducing 产品管理 methodologies and data-driven analysis of potential new offerings.
  • 为实践和投资组合团队建立新的销售支持工具和过程, 推动跨职能产品以满足市场需求.

Head of 产品的增长

  • Established Florida business operations for the InteliGlas Smart Building platform leveraging artificial intelligence to automate operations in office buildings, 学校, 和实验室, working with commercial real estate, 学校, 医学实验室.
  • Developed ROI modeling demonstrating how building owners can reduce their electrical costs by 30-45%, 使他们的净营业收入和财产价值增加数百万. 开发气候抵消模型,显示相关参考资料中的节余.
  • Introduced CleanAir by InteliGlas(TM) to support the return of employees to their offices post COVID-19.
  • Integrated sensors for detection of occupancy, 水, 弹道, 以及清洁空气技术,以监测整个建筑气候并降低成本.

Senior Director Product 管理, 杯 云

2016 - 2018
  • Created over $25 million in new business while slashing costs and improving gross margins by over 30% to exceed 85% supporting over 18 million subscribers.
  • Led a team of six people, including project managers, 产品经理, and solution architects. 我推出了两个新的杯 云服务,用于网络智能和分析, 包括基于网络的系统和移动应用程序.
  • 利用本地和海外资源,与工程师进行全天候协调.
  • Managed stakeholder interactions, 项目管理,确保顺利入职和收入确认流程.
  • 创建客户定价激励机制,促使客户从传统SaaS平台转向新的SaaS平台.
  • Created ROI models to demonstrate value to customers—tied with customer success to monitor and adjust programs to achieve the desired ROI.


2011 - 2015
Symantec Corporation
  • Managed a 3-year $1B plan for three security platforms—Next-Generation Network Protection (NGNP), 移动安全, MDM/MAM解决包括身份在内的网络威胁挑战, 欺诈, 垃圾邮件, 化合物的威胁, 交通分析, 家长控制.
  • Managed a global matrixed organization of key stakeholders across marketing and engineering to launch the $1 billion plan.
  • Served as a thought leader for security in a network functions virtualization (NFV) architecture.
  • Distinguished as Symantec Top Talent in 2015, recognizing my cross-functional leadership skills.
  • Created Symantec Sealed (Partner) Program for MDM/MAM–signing over 40 partners in six months.


2010 - 2011
  • 领导支持移动的市场和销售活动, working with insurance companies, 监管机构, and partner manufacturers.
  • Deployed a mobile endpoint distracted driving software and fleet management interfaces to mitigate liability and risk.
  • Managed the project evaluations with 监管机构 with mobile apps for distracted driving.
  • Worked with insurance company customers who wanted to reduce their enterprise customer risks.


2007 - 2010
  • Wrote and implemented the business plan for Unified Communications addressing telecom service providers as a sales channel for enterprise customers.
  • 为软件即服务(SaaS)实现了OSS/BSS基础结构.
  • 开创了测试中心的卓越实践.
  • Managed customer projects in test automation.
  • 管理Sprint、at的移动、IP和UC电信服务项目&T和CenturyLink.

Vice President Business Development – Americas

2005 - 2007
  • Ran national sales and marketing for Appium AB, 超过了合作目标和收入目标,直到被Aepona收购.
  • Managed a team of project managers, 产品经理, solution architects, 与销售人员执行大型服务提供商合同.
  • 为渠道计划和销售建立新的合作伙伴计划.

Senior Director 市场营销

2001 - 2003
Leapstone Systems (acquired by Motorola)
  • Delivered marketing support for over $20 million in revenues in the first 18 months for this startup.
  • Reduced costs and improved margins by renegotiating contracts to less than 50% of the original costs.
  • 品牌公司(原Comstellar 网络).
  • 创造了价值1800万美元的定价.
  • Managed partnerships, 媒体, 和事件, coordinating channel programs, analysts and 媒体 sessions, and all of the sales enablement programs.
  • Created an industry-leading mobile application provisioning system working as the leader of a multi-vendor strategy for secure application delivery for the telecom companies, working with Sun Microsystems, Appium, 和Leapstone.
  • Created and published the telecom services delivery system (TSDS) strategy for mobile applications working with Sun Microsystems on the Java 2 移动 Edition platform, together with Appium 和Leapstone.

Director of Product Line 管理

1999 - 2001
  • 创建了一个为期3年,价值7亿美元的服务提供商漏斗, leading a team of 160 people to create Nortel’s first carrier-grade applications platform program based on SOA and web 2.0 (SaaS infrastructure).
  • Managed directly project management, 产品管理, 以及管理应用服务平台的产品营销.
  • Led the acquisition of Epicon for $300 million in June 2000 to incorporate a key remote delivery technology.
  • Awarded Nortel Top Talent in 2001, in recognition for developing a significant business opportunity and completing a strategic acquisition in record time.


Led the project for cloud-based analytics solving critical problems for service providers covering 18 million users.

When measuring the success of any business, 驱动我的两个关键绩效指标是收入和毛利率. 在这种情况下,我执行了一系列策略来推动结果:
- Created role-based product/service offerings to target specific problems/needs and shorten the sales cycle.
- Changed the business model and pricing, 用非常强大的ROI模型向客户展示不同的价值.
- Re-architected the cloud platforms (adopting clustering) to reduce the number of VMs/servers.

Achieved revenue goals of taking a $3 million business and turning it into a $25 million business. 我将毛利率从不到65%提高到85%以上(到2018年底有望达到92%)。.

合同 管理

Reduced costs of goods by over 50%.

我反复谈判合同以支持降低成本, 更好的sla, 对进出境合同的知识产权保护. I am accomplished in working with lawyers on protecting the business terms required for a successful business relationship.

Cyber 安全 销售支持 Playbook

Designed and published a 66-page Cyber 安全 销售 Playbook for service providers—$1 billion sales funnel.

As the product manager, I organized the global marketing teams to structure both enterprise and consumer cybersecurity products into sell-to, 零售, and sell with business models to drive new sales opportunities with communications service providers.

Healthcare Engineering Manager

Led the development of the second major mobile application for a major healthcare company with over 79 million members.

监督七个scrum团队使用SAFe方法交付4周的版本. Managed a successful major client beta program of the newest release of their mobile application, which was being released to this client's 100,000个成员. 与产品经理和产品负责人合作,确定客户的优先级.

Product 管理 Author/Editor



1982 - 1986


McGill University - Montreal, Quebec, Canada



InteliGlas Corporation


SPIN (R) 销售 Training

Huthwaite International


Jira, Trello, Atlassian, HubSpot, Confluence, HubSpot COS, 销售force 市场营销 云, Slack, Zoom




B2B2C, Network Function Virtualization (NFV), Software-defined Networking (SDN), 敏捷, Pragmatic 市场营销, 敏捷 Product 管理, 敏捷工作流, 看板, 敏捷 Project 管理, Business to Business to Consumer (B2B2C), API架构, Web架构, Application Architecture


电信设备 & Solutions, Healthcare, Telecommunications, 销售 & 市场营销, Computer 安全, Real Estate


B2B Lead Generation, 品牌营销, 内容策略, 营销计划, 定价策略, 销售场地, 社会 媒体 Content, 品牌, 内容营销, 电子邮件营销, 球场上甲板, 促销活动, 销售, 网页内容, Customer Acquisition, Business Development, 增长, 增长的市场营销, 增长的市场营销 产品经理, 增长战略, 启动策略, New Product Development, 新产品, 新产品 & 服务, 产品的增长, 产品发布, SaaS, 企业SaaS, SaaS Product 管理, SaaS 产品营销, Market 策略 and 研究 产品经理, 创业公司, Startup 增长战略 Development, 用户转换, Website Conversion, 数字营销, 产品分析, 管理, P&L管理, 策略, Portfolio 管理, Solution Portfolio 管理, 灵活的营销, IT安全, 终端安全, 规划, 销售增长, 渠道策略, B2B合作伙伴, Partnership Strategies, Strategic 合作伙伴关系, Partner 管理, Partnership Analysis, Channel 管理, 价格分析, 定价软件, 动态定价, Competitor Analysis & 分析,Pitch Preparation, Pitch Deck顾问,白皮书,写作 & 编辑, 产品的教练, 商业策略, Business to Business (B2B), 产品的领导者ship, 改变领导, 团队指导, 指导 & 训练, 功能规划, Feature Prioritization, 功能路线图, Minimum Viable Product (MVP), Competitive 策略, Chief Product Officer (CPO), Product Consultant, SaaS设计, Building 管理 Systems (BMS), 身份, 社会, 网站, 有机搜索引擎优化, 内容创作, 直接营销, 推荐, B2B, 漏斗营销, 市场营销 Programs, 销售漏斗, Campaign 管理, Content 管理, 媒体, 云, 货币化, 货币化 Models, B2B Product 管理, Early-stage 创业公司, User Experience (UX), Business Systems Analysis, Healthcare 产品经理, IT 业务分析, Customer Relationship 管理 (CRM), 指示板, Web应用程序, 管理服务, Managed Service Providers (MSP), Target Market 策略, API管理, ROI, 微软办公软件, 指导, 合作伙伴关系, 网络安全, 合并 & 收购(M&A), 销售支持, 合同 谈判, 分析, 安全, 云服务, Margin Optimization, 谈判, 定价模型, 客户成功, 战略规划, 产品规划, 市场营销 策略, 市场营销, Technology 策略 & Architecture, 战略规划 & 执行, 产品策略, 产品营销, Product Lifecycle 管理 (PLM), Project Portfolio 管理 (PPM), Product 管理, Software as a Service (SaaS), Software Development Lifecycle (SDLC), 访问控制, 利润 & 损失(P&L), Single Sign-on (SSO), 身份验证, 网络, 团队的领导, 领导, 定价, 微软 PowerPoint, 微软, 微软 Excel, 销售force, 自由职业, 企业, 业务分析, Feature Backlog Prioritization, 产品路线图, 营销计划, 用户研究, 商业模式, 产品设计, 产品框架, 创新, 产品的所有权, 产品负责人, 瀑布交付, 产品交付, 需求, 产品发现, 临时CPO, Software Project 管理, Digital Project 管理, Scaled 敏捷 Framework (SAFe), 移动/Web Project 管理, Product Portfolio Manager, Waterfall Methodology, 物联网协议, 谷歌搜索引擎优化, SD-WAN, 测试自动化, 数据分析, 机器学习, GDPR, Internet of Things (IoT), 移动应用程序, 移动用户体验, 移动数据, 移动, 安卓, Professional Scrum 产品负责人 (PSPO), 团队, 牛仔裤的, Artificial Intelligence (AI), Building Operations, Fintech, 慈善事业, Request for Proposal (RFP)

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