Bolivian Developer Yasett Acurana Wins Sixth Toptal Scholarship


San Francisco, CA, May 31, 2016 — On October 21, Toptal launched Toptal STEM Scholarships for Women, 这是一个旨在授权和支持下一代女性计算机科学家的项目, software engineers, 并通过财政支持和指导相结合的方式帮助开发者.

Today, we are thrilled to announce the sixth winner of the scholarship, Yasett Gisela Acurana Flores, 她是一名玻利维亚软件开发人员,目前正在智利大学攻读信息技术硕士学位,目标是成为一名计算机科学教授.

An active community member of Systers (这是一个由安妮塔·博格(Anita Borg)于1987年创建的专门针对科技行业女性的论坛),也是首届Latinity的志愿者, a conference put together by Latinas in Computing, 亚赛特利用一切机会提高自己的工程技能,同时指导其他有抱负的女工程师.

This summer, 亚赛特正在与玻利维亚的圣西蒙大学合作,举办第二届暑期语言与应用学校, 一个为对科技感兴趣的学生提供研讨会和小组讨论的项目. Yasett将主持一门关于面向对象分析和设计的课程,并主持小组讨论,鼓励更多的学生为开源做出贡献,并提出缩小科技领域性别差距的具体解决方案.

Yasett’s Toptal STEM Scholarships for Women application

“With Yasett, the decision to award her the scholarship was easy,” said Toptal Director of Engineering Anna-Chiara Bellini, who leads the committee of judges. “We were all amazed by every detail of her application, from the care taken in her application letter, which was extensive and well-written, to her immensely positive attitude on the phone interview. Being so young and yet so accomplished, Yasett is just incredible. She has already contributed to several projects, and she shows great skills paired with a strong determination and drive.”

For the open source part of her application, Yasett contributed to the Eclipse Foundation Code Recommenders project. While she had never before contributed to open source, her choice was simple: “I’m always looking to give back, and since I used the Eclipse IDE software every day, I immediately knew I wanted to help with that community first.”

Yasett’s project, and the way she was able to articulate her challenges and work process, greatly impressed the panel of judges. “The project that she chose to contribute to is definitely non-trivial. She managed to make meaningful and significant contributions, even when dealing with a large codebase that is a couple of decades old,” said Bellini. “She was also incredibly detailed, thoughtful, and clear in her explanation of the project, which is evidence of her clarity of mind, and an indication that she’ll excel as both a mentor and a teacher. 她绝对走在正确的道路上,我们期待着支持她.”

As a scholarship winner, Yasett will receive $5,000 to use to further her educational and professional development goals, 以及来自Toptal网络的高级软件工程师为期一年的每周一对一的专业指导.

The scholarship will help Yasett organize the Summer School this year. 她将利用这笔资金招募其他杰出的科技女性参与该项目,并使其他有抱负的工程师有可能免费参加. In turn, 领导自己的课程并成为组委会的一员,将使亚赛特加强自己的教学技能,并接触到更广泛的受众.

“奖学金的指导部分将有助于我的专业发展, both as an engineer and as a teacher,” Yasett said. “I want to learn how to best transmit knowledge to someone else, 因为成为一名优秀的工程师只是成为一名出色的计算机科学教授的一半.”

About Yasett

Yasett’s mother is a literature teacher and her father an accountant, 因此,她在很小的时候就学会了在编程方面积极主动. “当我还是个孩子的时候,”她说,“我总是试图弄清楚事情是如何运作的. 当我5岁的时候,我对汽车是如何移动的非常好奇,所以我用纸做了一个. That’s what set me down the science and engineering path.”

In 2014, a group of professors, in collaboration with the Universidad de San Simon, traveled to Cochabamba, Bolivia as part of the first Summer School, 在那里他们做了一系列关于玻利维亚缺乏科学研究的演讲. 亚赛特报名成为暑期学校的志愿者,以便向他们学习,更好地了解她祖国的技术创新和研究状况.

她了解到,“玻利维亚更像是一个消费者,而不是一个技术创造者, 只有这些教授——以及更多的教授——合作,情况才会改变, 将他们的知识结合在一起,无论他们在大学或公司工作,以使玻利维亚成为科学研究的领导者.正是在那个暑期学校项目中,亚赛特知道她想成为一名教授, 回到玻利维亚,让越来越多的女性进入计算机科学领域.

“决定获得硕士学位最困难的部分是不得不离开我的国家,” Yasett said, 我选择了智利大学,因为这是离家最近的最佳选择. “我从来没有离开过父母,文化上的挑战很多, 但我知道我必须继续深造,这样我才能加强我的编程技能,并更多地回报我的社区.”

亚赛特认为:“程序员就像魔术师,因为你可以把只存在于你想象中的东西变成现实.” With the scholarship, 雅赛特将能够进一步实现她作为软件工程师和教师的目标.

请和我们一起祝贺软件开发者Yasett Giselle成为Toptal STEM女性奖学金项目的第六位获奖者!

About Toptal STEM Scholarships for Women

Toptal STEM女性奖学金是为女性提供的一系列12项奖学金,每月颁发一次,为期一年, with Rachell being the fifth scholarship winner. 世界各地任何教育水平的女性都有资格申请赢得5美元奖金,每年的一对一技术培训和来自Toptal高级技术专家的指导,以帮助他们追求成为未来专业软件工程师的目标.

The prior scholarship winners are Rojina Bajracharya from Nepal, Ana Sustic from Slovenia, Gabriela Mancini from Argentina, Tondi Butler from America, and Rachell Calhoun, also from America.

申请Toptal女性开发者奖学金,并了解更多有关该计划的信息, visit

About Toptal

Founded in 2010, Toptal是硅谷涌现的发展最快、最具创新性的公司之一. With backing from Andreessen Horowitz, Silicon Valley’s famed venture capital firm, Adam D’Angelo, founder of Quora, Ryan Rockefeller, and other investors, 今天,Toptal连接了来自世界各地的数千名精英自由软件工程师和设计师,000 blue chips such as J.P. Morgan and Pfizer, tech companies such as Airbnb and Zendesk, 以及众多初创公司提供世界级的解决方案,以满足最复杂和最具挑战性的需求. Toptal的快速增长证明了客户需求的爆炸式增长,以及公司服务无与伦比的质量和可靠性.

Media Inquiries

Joellen Ferrer
Toptal, LLC
+1 (415) 308-8209

We're all amazed by every detail of Yasett's application, from the care taken in her application letter, which was extensive and well-written, to her immensely positive attitude in the interview. Yasett is just incredible.

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